- Judaea
—Judaean, adj., n./jooh dee"euh/, n.Judea.
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or JudeaIt was bounded on the north by Samaria and on the west by the Mediterranan Sea. It succeeded the Hebrew kingdom of Judah, which was destroyed by the Babylonians. The revived kingdom of Judaea was established by the Maccabees, who resisted the suppression of Judaism under foreign rule. Family disputes led to Roman intervention in 63 BC. Under Roman control, Herod (the Great) was made king of Judaea in 37 BC. After Herod's death the country was ruled alternately by his descendants (see Herod Antipas; Herod Agrippa I) and by Roman procurators. As a result of the Jewish revolt in AD 66, the city of Jerusalem was destroyed (AD 70). The name Judaea is used by Israelis to describe approximately the same area in the modern West Bank territory.* * *
the southernmost of the three traditional divisions of ancient Palestine; the other two were Galilee in the north and Samaria in the centre. No clearly marked boundary divided Judaea from Samaria, but the town of Beersheba was traditionally the southernmost limit. The region presents a variety of geographic features, but the real core of Judaea was the upper hill country, known as Har Yehuda (“Hills of Judaea”), extending south from the region of Bethel (at present-day Ramallah) to Beersheba and including the area of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Hebron.Before the Israelite conquest of Palestine, the Canaanites dominated the region, and the town of Hebron was an important centre. When the tribes of Israel invaded the country, the tribe of Judah claimed the entire area from just south of the site of Jerusalem into the Negev region (the area south of Beersheba). The tribes of Simeon, Benjamin, and Dan also at one time or another settled some small areas of the region. When David became king of Judah (10th century BC), he captured the old Canaanite (Jebusite) stronghold, Jerusalem, and made it the capital of the united kingdom of the tribes of Israel. After the death of David's son, King Solomon (10th century), the 10 northern tribes separated from Judah, and Jerusalem remained the capital of the kingdom of Judah, which continued until 587/586, when the Babylonians conquered it and destroyed Jerusalem. Later, however, Persian kings permitted captive Jews to return from Babylonia to their native land and to rebuild their temple and the walls of Jerusalem.After Alexander the Great's conquest of the Middle East, Judah came first under the rule of the Ptolemies and later under that of the Seleucids. Opposition to the Seleucid attempt to suppress the Jewish ancestral faith led to the rise of the family of Jewish leaders known as the Maccabees, who gradually drove the Seleucids from the country and set up a revived kingdom of Judaea. Family disputes, however, led to Roman intervention in 63 BC. Under Roman control, Herod the Great was made king of Judaea in 37 BC and later of all Palestine (20–4 BC). After Herod's death the country was ruled alternately by Herod's direct descendants and by Roman procurators. As a result of the Jewish revolt that broke out in AD 66, the city of Jerusalem was destroyed (AD 70). The name Judaea is still used to describe approximately the same area in modern Israel.* * *
Universalium. 2010.