
/joh"zeuhf, -seuhf/, n.
1. Jacob's eleventh son, the first of Jacob and his second wife, Rachel: sold into slavery by his brothers. Gen. 30:22-24; 37.
2. the husband of Mary who was the mother of Jesus. Matt. 1:16-25.
3. (Hinmaton-yalaktit), c1840-1904, leader of the Nez Percé: led 1000-mi. (1600-km) retreat from U.S. forces in an attempt to reach Canada 1877.
4. (l.c.) a long coat buttoning in the front, worn esp. by women as part of their riding habit in colonial America.
5. a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning "increaser."

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In the Old Testament, the son of the patriarch Jacob and his wife, Rachel.

He was favoured by his father, and his brothers became bitterly jealous when he was given a resplendent "coat of many colors" (literally, coat with flowing sleeves). They sold him into slavery in Egypt, telling Jacob he had been killed by a wild beast. In Egypt Joseph gained favour with the pharaoh and rose to high office, owing to his ability to interpret dreams, and his acquisition of grain supplies enabled Egypt to withstand a famine. When famine forced Jacob to send his sons to Egypt to buy grain, the family was reconciled with Joseph and settled there. The story of Joseph, told in Genesis 3750, depicts the preservation of Israel and begins the history of the Israelites in Egypt that is continued in Exodus.
(as used in expressions)
Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph
Abbott Sir John Joseph Caldwell
Addison Joseph
Arrow Kenneth Joseph
Abba Mari ben Moses ben Joseph
Banks Sir Joseph
Joseph the Levite
Belloc Joseph Pierre Hilaire
Berrigan Daniel Joseph and Philip Francis
Beuys Joseph
Blanc Jean Joseph Charles Louis
Bonaparte Joseph
Bramah Joseph
Brant Joseph
Brennan William Joseph Jr.
Brodsky Joseph
Brown Joseph Rogers
Butler Joseph
Caillaux Joseph Marie Auguste
Campbell Joseph
Cannon Joseph Gurney
Chaikin Joseph
Chamberlain Sir Joseph Austen
Chamberlain Charles Joseph
Chamberlain Joseph
Chrétien Joseph Jacques Jean
Cohn Edwin Joseph
Conrad Joseph
Cornell Joseph
Robert Joseph Cousy
Cronin Archibald Joseph
Jacques Joseph Ahearn
Daley Richard Joseph
Joseph de Veuster
de Gaulle Charles André Marie Joseph
Joseph Paul DiMaggio
Dixon Joseph
Robert Joseph Dole
Drexel Anthony Joseph
Dupleix Joseph François
Eichendorff Joseph Baron von
Joseph Carey Merrick
Flaherty Robert Joseph
Fouché Joseph duke d'Otrante
Fourier Jean Baptiste Joseph Baron
Foyt Anthony Joseph Jr.
Gall Franz Joseph
Galland Adolf Joseph Ferdinand
Gallieni Joseph Simon
Galloway Joseph
Marie Joseph François Garnier
Gay Lussac Joseph Louis
Gobineau Joseph Arthur count de
Goebbels Paul Joseph
Goldberg Arthur Joseph
Greenberg Joseph Harold
Hanna William Denby and Barbera Joseph Roland
Hardee William Joseph
Haydn Franz Joseph
Heller Joseph
Henry Joseph
Herriman George Joseph
Hooker Joseph
Ignarro Louis Joseph
Joseph Jefferson Jackson
Jackson Michael Joseph
Jacquard Joseph Marie
Jaurès Auguste Marie Joseph Jean
Joachim Joseph
Joffre Joseph Jacques Césaire
Johnston Joseph Eggleston
Joseph Chief
Joseph Father
François Joseph le Clerc du Tremblay
Joseph Saint
Joseph Ben Matthias
Karo Joseph ben Ephraim
Kasavubu Joseph
Joseph Francis Keaton IV
Kennedy Joseph Patrick
Kipling Joseph Rudyard
Kirkland Joseph Lane
Lagrange Joseph Louis
Laski Harold Joseph
Joseph Levitch
Licklider Joseph Carl Robnett
Lister Joseph
Joseph Louis Barrow
Maistre Joseph de
Mankiewicz Joseph Leo
Mansfield Michael Joseph
Maximilian Joseph
Thomas Joseph Mboya
McCarthy Eugene Joseph
McCarthy Joseph Raymond
McGraw John Joseph
Medill Joseph
Joseph Désiré Mobutu
Montgolfier Joseph Michel and Montgolfier Jacques Étienne
Montherlant Henry Marie Joseph Millon de
Joseph Leonard Morgan
Morny Charles Auguste Louis Joseph duke de
Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe
William Joseph Mosconi
Muller Hermann Joseph
Gerald Joseph Mulligan
Joseph William Namath
Neutra Richard Joseph
Niepce Joseph Nicéphore
Joseph Oliver
Orléans Louis Philippe Joseph duke d'
Papineau Louis Joseph
Papp Joseph
Joseph Papirofsky
Pendergast Thomas Joseph
Perelman Sidney Joseph
Perrot Jules Joseph
Pershing John Joseph
Plante Joseph Jacques Omer
Pleyel Ignace Joseph
Priestley Joseph
Proudhon Pierre Joseph
Pulitzer Joseph
Rabéarivelo Jean Joseph
Radetzky Joseph Count
Rank Joseph Arthur Baron Rank of Sutton Scotney
Ravel Joseph Maurice
Redouté Pierre Joseph
Reger Johann Baptist Joseph Maximilian
Renan Joseph Ernest
Richard Joseph Henri Maurice
Antoine Joseph Sax
Scaliger Julius Caesar and Scaliger Joseph Justus
Schelling Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von
Schumpeter Joseph Alois
Sieyès Emmanuel Joseph
Simenon Georges Joseph Christian
Joseph Roberts Smallwood
Smith Joseph
Springsteen Bruce Frederick Joseph
Stalin Joseph
Steffens Joseph Lincoln
Stigler George Joseph
Stiglitz Joseph E.
Stilwell Joseph Warren
Story Joseph
Swan Sir Joseph Wilson
Talma François Joseph
Taylor Joseph Hooton Jr.
Teilhard de Chardin Marie Joseph Pierre
Thomson Sir Joseph John
Toynbee Arnold Joseph
Leonard Joseph Tristano
James Joseph Tunney
Turner Joseph Mallord William
Van Der Zee James Augustus Joseph
Vernet Claude Joseph
Warren Joseph
Whitworth Sir Joseph
Joseph Goreed
Lafayette Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier marquis de
Montcalm de Saint Véran Louis Joseph de Montcalm Grozon marquis de
Napoléon François Charles Joseph Bonaparte
Slim William Joseph 1st Viscount Slim of Yarralumla and Bishopston

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biblical figure
      in the Old Testament, son of the patriarch Jacob and his wife Rachel. As Jacob's name became synonymous with all Israel, so that of Joseph was eventually equated with all the tribes that made up the northern kingdom. According to tradition, his bones were buried at Shechem, oldest of the northern shrines (Joshua 24:32). His story is told in Genesis (3750).

      Joseph, most beloved of Jacob's sons, is hated by his envious brothers. Angry and jealous of Jacob's gift to Joseph, a resplendentcoat of many colours,” the brothers seize him and sell him to a party of Ishmaelites, or Midianites, who carry him to Egypt. There Joseph eventually gains the favour of the pharaoh of Egypt by his interpretation of a dream and obtains a high place in the pharaoh's kingdom. His acquisition of grain supplies enables Egypt to withstand a famine. Driven by the same famine, his brothers journey from Canaan to Egypt to obtain food. They prostrate themselves before Joseph but do not recognize him. After Joseph achieves a reconciliation with his brothers, he invites Jacob's whole household to come to Goshen in Egypt, where a settlement is provided for the family and their flocks. His brothers' sale of Joseph into slavery thus proves providential in the end, since it protected the family from famine. The family's descendants grew and multiplied into the Hebrews, who would eventually depart from Egypt for Israel.

      The story of Joseph, often called a novella, is a carefully wrought piece of literary craftsmanship. Though it features the personality of Joseph, it is introduced (Genesis 37:2) as thehistory of the family of Jacob.” Authorities agree that parts of the story show dependence upon the ancient EgyptianTale of Two Brothers,” but in characteristically Hebraic fashion, the narrator in Genesis has ignored the mythical and magical motifs in the Egyptian tale, and the focus of the outcome is placed on its meaning for the whole house of Israel.

      The purpose of the story is to relate the preservation of Israel. Its people survive despite their own foolishness and wickedness, indeed, ironically, in part because of these. The story is told as a testimony to the operation of divine providence: “. . . you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good . . .” (Genesis 50:20) sums up its moral. But while the Lord had turned the provocations of the spoiled son and the jealousy and deceptions of his brothers to good account, he had realized his end through the faithfulness of Joseph, true to Israel's ideals under all circumstances and ever mindful of his obligations to his people. Joseph has served throughout the ages as the model for thecourt Jew,” the Israelite in a position of power who acts to rescue and help his people.

king of Portugal
born June 6, 1714, Lisbon
died Feb. 24, 1777, Lisbon

      king of Portugal from 1750 to 1777, during whose reign power was exercised by his minister, Sebastião de Carvalho, marquês de Pombal (Pombal, Sebastião de Carvalho, marquês de).

      Joseph's father, John V, enriched by the gold and diamonds of Brazil, had enjoyed unchallenged authority and gave Joseph no responsibility. Thus, after his accession, Joseph was content to leave decisions to his ministers, devoting himself to his pleasures, the opera and the chase. He appointed Sebastião de Carvalho, who soon gained an ascendancy over him and became all-powerful after the Lisbon earthquake of 1755.

      Carvalho's regalistic policies were intended to assert the power of the crown and to create a mercantile class; this brought him into conflict with the nobility and the church. In 1758 an attempt on Joseph's life gave Carvalho the opportunity to persecute influential noble families, and in 1759 the Jesuits were expelled. Joseph unquestioningly accepted Carvalho's version of these events.

      In 1775 the quarter-centenary of the reign was celebrated by the inauguration of the equestrian statue of Joseph, which still adorns the Terreiro do Paço. Carvalho, now the marquês de Pombal, seized the opportunity to advertise the reign's achievements, but when Joseph fell ill in February 1777 it was already evident that his death would end the minister's power. Joseph's daughter, Maria I, at once dismissed him.

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