
/jaws/, n.
a city in central Nigeria. 105,000.

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      town, capital of Plateau state, on the Jos Plateau (altitude 4,250 feet [1,295 metres]) of central Nigeria, on the Delimi River and near the source of the Jamaari River (called the Bunga farther downstream). Formerly the site of Geash, a village of the Birom people, the town developed rapidly after the British learned, about 1903, of vast tin deposits in the vicinity. Africans had long gathered the metal from the alluvial beds of the Delimi and other plateau streams. In 1905 mining was begun at Naraguta Hausawa (31/2 miles [6 km] north), a tin-working centre since the 18th century. The metal was sent by headload to the Benue River port of Loko (150 miles [240 km] southwest), where it was transshipped to Forcados in the Niger Delta for export. The Bauchi Light Railway was built in 1914 to carry the tin from Jos and nearby Bukuru to Zaria (114 miles [184 km] northwest) and thence by main rail line to Lagos; the extension of the standard-gauge railway from Port Harcourt in 1927 opened a more direct route to the Niger Delta ports, and in 1957 the Bauchi Light Railway was closed. Mining for columbite, of which Nigeria is the world's largest producer, became important during World War II, and in the early 1960s smelters were constructed near Jos. Tin and columbite, now obtained by opencast mining, are smelted, cast into ingots, and shipped by rail to Port Harcourt for export to Europe and the United States. There are deposits of kaolin (a clay used in making ceramics) associated with the tin fields, and they are also worked commercially. Other local enterprises include food processing, beer brewing, and the manufacture of cosmetics, soap, rope, jute bags, and furniture. Heavy industry produces cement and asbestos cement, crushed stone, rolled steel, and tire retreads. Jos also is a centre for the construction industry and has several printing and publishing firms. The Jos-Bukuru dam and reservoir on the Shen River provide water for the city's industries.

      Although some Birom work in the mines and live in the town, the mineral wealth has attracted to Jos large numbers of outsiders, including Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, and Europeans. Sorghum, millet, and acha (a grain known as hungry rice) are the chief staple crops in the area, but neighbouring farmers also cultivate cash crops (yams, potatoes, cassava [manioc], corn [maize], and green vegetables) for the Jos market. Milk products are supplied by the dairy at Vom, 18 miles (29 km) south-southwest.

      Jos, with a high elevation and one of the coolest climates in Nigeria, has been a hill resort since the beginning of World War II. Many of its streets are wide and tree-lined. The Jos Museum (1952), the nation's oldest, houses examples of terra-cotta figurines produced by the Nok culture, a civilization that flourished in the area probably between 900 BCE and 200 CE; bronze, brass, wood, and pottery artifacts are also displayed. The museum also operates (jointly with UNESCO) a school for museum technicians. The town has a 60-acre (24-hectare) park with a zoo (1955), an open-air museum of traditional architecture, and an arboretum. The University of Jos, which includes a teaching hospital, opened in 1975, and the Federal School of Medical Laboratory Technology is also located in the town. Jos is served by public, private, and religiously sponsored general and specialized hospitals. It lies on the rail spur that joins the railroad to Port Harcourt, 378 miles (608 km) south-southwest, and has road connections with Lafia, Bauchi, Kaduna, and Zaria. An airfield is 2 miles (3.2 km) south. Pop. (2006) local government area, 821,718.

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Universalium. 2010.

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