John Birch Society

John Birch Society
an ultraconservative organization, founded in December 1958 by Robert Welch, Jr., chiefly to combat alleged Communist activities in the U.S.

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Organization founded in 1958 by Robert H. Welch, Jr.

(18991985), a retired American candymaker, to combat communism and promote ultraconservative causes. It was named for an American missionary and army intelligence officer killed by Chinese Communists in 1945, considered by the society the first hero of the Cold War. Its membership reached more than 70,000 in the 1960s. Its many publications warned of communist infiltration of the U.S. government and called for the impeachment of officials such as Earl Warren. The New American is the organization's biweekly magazine.

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American organization
      private organization founded in the United States on Dec. 9, 1958, by Robert H.W. Welch, Jr. (18991985), a retired Boston candy manufacturer, for the purpose of combating communism and promoting various ultraconservative causes. The name derives from John Birch, an American Baptist missionary and U.S. Army intelligence officer who was killed by Chinese communists on Aug. 25, 1945, making him, in the society's view, the first hero of the Cold War. The society publishes the biweekly magazine The New American and the JBS Bulletin, a monthly newsletter for members. The Blue Book (1959; also published as The Blue Book of the John Birch Society), a transcript of Welch's presentation at the organization's founding meeting in 1958, outlines the nature and purposes of the society. Its headquarters are in Appleton, Wis.

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