
jitterbugger, n.
/jit"euhr bug'/, n., v., jitterbugged, jitterbugging.
1. a strenuously acrobatic dance consisting of a few standardized steps augmented by twirls, splits, somersaults, etc., popular esp. in the early 1940s and performed chiefly to boogie-woogie and swing.
2. a person who dances the jitterbug.
3. to dance the jitterbug.
[1930-35, Amer.; JITTER + BUG1]

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Dance variation of the two-step in which couples swing, balance, and twirl in standardized patterns to syncopated music in 44 time.

It originated in the U.S. in the mid 1930s and became internationally popular in the 1940s. It originally included acrobatic lifts and swings, but it became modified in ballroom versions. Its step patterns varied and could include the lindy hop and the jive.

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 exuberant ballroom dance popular in the 1930s and '40s, originating in the United States and spread internationally by U.S. armed forces during World War II. Its original freewheeling acrobatic swings and lifts were modified for more conservative ballroom versions. Couples did most versions while holding one or both hands. Step patterns varied widely and included such dances as the lindy hop (c. 1927, named for Charles Lindbergh's transatlantic flight), in which dancers usually did two slowdigsteps (ball of the foot, then the heel) and two quicksteps (one foot back, one in place), and the jive, in which dancers took a step to each side and then executed twoshuffles” (side step, almost close other foot, side step). Jitterbug musicalso called jive, or jumpis in 4/4 time with syncopated rhythm.

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  • jitterbug — ☆ jitterbug [jit′ərbug΄ ] n. [ JITTER + BUG1] 1. a dance for couples, esp. in the late 1930s and early 1940s, involving fast, acrobatic movements to swing music 2. a dancer of the jitterbug vi. jitterbugged, jitterbugging to dance the jitterbug …   English World dictionary

  • jitterbug — n. a fast and vigorous American dance that was popular in the 1940s, having few standardized steps and personalized with various twirls, twists, and acrobatic moves; it was performed often to the accompaniment of swing or boogie woogie tunes.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • jitterbug — GÍTĂRBAG/ s. m. 1. nume dat unor amatori de jaz care se agită fără rost în timpul unei audiţii. 2. dans acrobatic, agitat, dezlănţuit. 3. dansator de jaz. (< engl. jitterbug) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

  • jitterbug — ► NOUN ▪ a fast dance performed to swing music, popular in the 1940s. ► VERB (jitterbugged, jitterbugging) ▪ dance the jitterbug …   English terms dictionary

  • jitterbug — (n.) popular type of fast swing dance, 1938, American English, from Jitter Bug, title of a song recorded by Cab Calloway in 1934. Probably the literal sense is one who has the jitters (see JITTERS (Cf. jitters); also Cf. BUG (Cf. bug) (n.)).… …   Etymology dictionary

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