
/jef"euhr seuhn/, n.
1. Joseph, 1829-1905, U.S. actor.
2. Thomas, 1743-1826, U.S. statesman, diplomat, architect, and author: third president of the U.S. 1801-09.
3. a male given name.

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(as used in expressions)
Davis Jefferson
Joseph Jefferson Jackson
Jefferson Thomas
William Jefferson Blythe IV
William Jefferson Clinton
Arthur Stanley Jefferson

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      county, northern New York state, U.S., mostly comprising a lowland region bounded by Lake Ontario (Ontario, Lake) to the west and Ontario, Can., to the northwest, the St. Lawrence River (Saint Lawrence River and Seaway) constituting the boundary. It is linked by bridge to Ontario and features several bay inlets, notably Chaumont, Black River, and Henderson bays. This region of the St. Lawrence is known as the Thousand Islands, and Wellesley, Grindstone, Grenadier, Galloo, and Stony islands are part of the county. In addition to the St. Lawrence, the principal streams are the Indian, Black, Chaumont, and Perch rivers. Forests are largely composed of maple, birch, and beech trees. The Fort Drum Military Reservation occupies the northeastern corner of the county.

      Indians of the Iroquois Confederacy were native to the region before the arrival of white settlers. Jefferson county was created in 1805 and named for Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson, Thomas). The coastline features many state parks, resort towns, and points of interest, including Sackets Harbor Battlefield State Historic Site, which commemorates a battle during the War of 1812 (1812, War of) (May 29, 1813). In Watertown (the county seat), Frank Winfield Woolworth originated the idea of selling a line of merchandise at a single fixed price (1878). Other communities include Carthage, Clayton, and Adams.

      The economy is based on tourism and agriculture (dairying, cattle, and hay). Area 1,272 square miles (3,295 square km). Pop. (2000) 122,377; (2007 est.) 117,201.

      county, west-central Pennsylvania, U.S., bordered by the Clarion River to the north. It consists of a hilly region on the Allegheny Plateau drained by numerous streams, including North Fork, Little Mill, Sandy Lick, Little Sandy, and Redbank creeks. Parklands include Clear Creek State Park and part of Cook Forest State Park.

      Punxsutawney is known for its annual celebration of Groundhog Day (February 2), during which a groundhog called Punxsutawney Phil emerges from its underground home to forecast the weather. The county was created in 1804 and named for Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson, Thomas). Brookville is the county seat. The main industries are manufacturing (glass containers) and mining (bituminous coal). Area 656 square miles (1,698 square km). Pop. (2000) 45,932; (2007 est.) 45,135.

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