
/zhahkeu rddee"/, n.
1. the revolt of the peasants of northern France against the nobles in 1358.
2. (l.c.) any peasant revolt.
[ < F, MF, equiv. to jaque(s) peasant (after JACQUES, a name thought to be typical of peasants) + -rie -RY]

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French history
      insurrection of peasants against the nobility in northeastern France in 1358so named from the nobles' habit of referring contemptuously to any peasant as Jacques, or Jacques Bonhomme.

      The Jacquerie occurred at a critical moment of the Hundred Years' War. The Battle of Poitiers (September 1356), in which King John II the Good was captured by the English, was the latest in a series of defeats that had brought discredit on the French nobility. It was followed by an Anglo-French truce that resulted in the pillage of the countryside by thegreat companiesof mercenaries from the English forces, sometimes abetted by the nobles. The peasants were further enraged by the nobles' demands for heavier payments of dues and by the order of the dauphin Charles (the future Charles V) that the peasants refortify the castles of their aristocratic oppressors.

      On May 21, 1358, an uprising began near Compiègne and spread quickly throughout the countryside. The peasants destroyed numerous castles and slaughtered their inhabitants. Under their captain general, Guillaume Cale, or Carle, they joined forces with Parisian rebels under Étienne Marcel. The Parisians were defeated at Meaux on June 9 by Gaston Phoebus of Foix and Jean III de Grailly. Charles II of Navarre routed Cale at Clermont-en-Beauvaisis on June 10. A massacre of the insurgents followed their defeat.

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