
a suffix of nouns denoting esp. persons associated with a place, tribe, leader, doctrine, system, etc. (Campbellite; Israelite; laborite); minerals and fossils (ammonite; anthracite); explosives (cordite; dynamite); chemical compounds, esp. salts of acids whose names end in -ous (phosphite; sulfite); pharmaceutical and commercial products (vulcanite); a member or component of a part of the body (somite). Cf. -itis.
[ME < L -ita < Gk -ites; often directly < Gk; in some words repr. F -ite, G -it, etc. < L < Gk, as above]
a suffix forming adjectives and nouns from adjectives, and from some verbs: composite; opposite; erudite; requisite.
[ < L -itus or -itus ptp. suffix]

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  • -ite — ♦ Suffixe d origine grecque ( itis) servant à désigner les maladies de nature inflammatoire : bronchite. ite Suffixe, du gr. itis, servant à former des noms de minéraux (ex. calcite, magnésite). ite Suffixe, du gr. itis, servant à former les noms …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ITE — etc may refer to:* Information Technology Equipment * Institute of Technical Education (Singapore) * Institute of Transportation Engineers * In the ear hearing aidsIte etc may refer to: * Ité , another name for the Moriche Palm ( Mauritia… …   Wikipedia

  • ITE — Missa est, formula itidem in Eccl adkhibita, quâ dimittebatur populus; missa enim (quae vox circa finem tertii Sec. priimium audita est) quasi missio: uti remissa, pro remissio, sequiori aevo dici coepit. Erat autem dimissio haec duplex, cum… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • -ite (1) — {{hw}}{{ ite (1)}{{/hw}}suff. : nella terminologia medica indica uno stato di infiammazione: polmonite, epatite, bronchite, otite. ite (2) {{hw}}{{ ite (2)}{{/hw}}suff. : in parole composte scientifiche indica spec. minerali (magnetite), leghe… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • -ite — [From Gr. ?, ?.] 1. A suffix denoting one of a party, a sympathizer with or adherent of, and the like, and frequently used in ridicule; as, a Millerite; a Benthamite. [1913 Webster] 2. A suffix used in naming minerals; as, chlorite, from its… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ite — Ite, missa est Ite, missa est (следует дополнить: condo, лат., «идите, распущено», то есть собрание) формула, которой в древне христианской церкви заканчивались обе части богослужения; в настоящее время используется в конце католической мессы.… …   Википедия

  • ite — [it] n. f. ÉTYM. 1913, in Cottez; de 1. ite (3.), substantivé. ❖ ♦ Biochim. Sucre ne possédant que les fonctions alcool (opposé à ose). Syn. : itol …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • -ite — The adjectival ending is derived chiefly from Latin past participles in itus. The length of the Latin i varied, but no longer directly influences the pronunciation in English (definite with short i and recondite with long i were not so in Latin,… …   Modern English usage

  • -ite — ite1 [īt] [ME < OFr or L or Gr: OFr ite < L ita, ites < Gr itēs, fem. itis] suffix forming nouns 1. a native, inhabitant, or citizen of [Brooklynite] 2. a descendant from or offspring of [Israelite] 3. an adherent of, believer in, or… …   English World dictionary

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