
/is"euh kahr'/, n.
1. a son of Jacob and Leah. Gen. 30:18.
2. one of the 12 tribes of Israel.

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Hebrew tribe
      one of the 12 tribes of Israel that in biblical times constituted the people of Israel who later became the Jewish people. The tribe was named after the fifth son born to Jacob and his first wife, Leah. After the death of Moses, Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land and apportioned the territory among the 12 tribes. The tribe of Issachar settled on land lying west of the Jordan River and southeast of the southern tip of the Sea of Galilee. After the death of King Solomon (922 BC), Issachar was one of the 10 northern tribes that established the independent Kingdom of Israel that survived until the Assyrian conquest of 721 BC. These 10 tribes, partially dispersed to other regions, eventually lost their identity and became known as the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

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  • ISSACHAR — (Heb. יִשָּׂשכָר), the ninth son of Jacob and the fifth of Leah; eponymous ancestor of the tribe bearing this name. Issachar s birth was considered by Leah to be a sign of divine favor, after a long intermission in childbearing, in reward for… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Issachar — Issachar/Yissachar (Hebrew Name|יִשָּׂשׁכָר|Yissaḫar|Yiśśâḵār| Reward; recompense ) was, according to the Book of Genesis, a son of Jacob and Leah (the fifth son of Leah, and ninth son of Jacob), and the founder of the Israelite Tribe of… …   Wikipedia

  • Issachar — • Ninth son of Jacob, and name of the tribe descended from him Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Issachar     Issachar     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Issachar — (en hébreu : יִשָּׂשׁכָר, « homme de récompense ») est le neuvième fils de Jacob et le cinquième des sept enfants que Léa eut à Paddam Aram. Il est le cinquième des douze fils de Jacob et Léa dans le récit de la Genèse. Léa voyait… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Issachar — m Biblical: name, probably meaning ‘hireling’ in Hebrew, borne by one of the sons of Jacob: ‘And Leah said, God hath given me my hire, because I have given my maiden to my husband: and she called his name Issachar’ (Genesis 30: 18). The name is… …   First names dictionary

  • Issachar — Issachar, s. Isaschar …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • ISSACHAR — 9. fil. Iacob, 5. ex Lea uxore sua. Gen. c. 30. v. 18. 1. Reg. c. 4. v. 17. Vide Isachar …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Issachar — son of Jacob by Leah (O.T.), name of a biblical tribe of Israel, from Gk. issakhar, from Heb. Yissakhar, probably [Klein] from yesh sakhar there is a reward (Cf. Gen. xxx.18) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Issachar — [is′ə kär΄] n. 1. Jacob s ninth son, whose mother was Leah: Gen. 30:18 2. the tribe of Israel descended from him: Num. 1:28 …   English World dictionary

  • Issachar — Zwölf Stämme Israels Ruben Simeon Levi Juda Dan Naftali Gad …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Issachar —    Hired (Gen. 30:18). God hath given me, said Leah, my hire (Heb. sekhari)...and she called his name Issachar. He was Jacob s ninth son, and was born in Padan aram (comp. 28:2). He had four sons at the going down into Egypt (46:13; Num. 26:23,… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

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