
1. a suffix used to form adjectives from nouns, with the sense of "belonging to" (British; Danish; English; Spanish); "after the manner of," "having the characteristics of," "like" (babyish; girlish; mulish); "addicted to," "inclined or tending to" (bookish; freakish); "near or about" (fiftyish; sevenish).
2. a suffix used to form adjectives from other adjectives, with the sense of "somewhat," "rather" (oldish; reddish; sweetish).
[ME; OE -isc; c. G -isch, Goth -isks, Gk -iskos; akin to -ESQUE]
a suffix occurring in i-stem verbs borrowed from French: ravish.
[ < F -iss-, extended s. of verbs with infinitives in -ir L -isc-, in inceptive verbs]

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