
/uy ree"nee/ for 1; /uy reen"/ or, esp. Brit., /uy ree"nee/ for 2, n.
1. Class. Myth. one of the Horae, the personification of peace.
2. Also, Irena /uy ree"neuh, i ray"neuh/. A female given name.

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(as used in expressions)
Castle Vernon and Irene
Vernon Blythe and Irene Foote
Fornés Maria Irene
Betye Irene Brown
Taeuber Conrad and Barnes Taeuber Irene
Irene Barnes

* * *

Byzantine empress [752-803]
born c. 752, , Athens
died Aug. 9, 803, Lesbos
 Byzantine ruler and saint of the Greek Orthodox Church who was instrumental in restoring the use of icons in the Eastern Roman Empire.

      The wife of the Byzantine emperor Leo IV, Irene became, on her husband's death in September 780, guardian of their 10-year-old son, Constantine VI, and co-emperor with him. Later in that year she crushed what seems to have been a plot by the Iconoclasts (opposers of the use of icons) to put Leo's half brother, Nicephorus, on the throne.

      Irene favoured the restoration of the use of icons, which had been prohibited in 730. She had Tarasius, one of her supporters, elected patriarch of Constantinople and then summoned a general church council on the subject. When it met in Constantinople in 786, it was broken up by Iconoclast soldiers stationed in that city. Another council, which is recognized by both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches as the Seventh Ecumenical Council, met at Nicaea in 787 and restored the cult of images.

      As Constantine approached maturity, he grew resentful of his mother's controlling influence in the empire. An attempt to seize power was crushed by the Empress, who demanded that the military oath of fidelity should recognize her as senior ruler. Anger at the demand prompted the themes (administrative divisions) of Asia Minor to open resistance in 790. Constantine VI was proclaimed sole ruler and his mother banished from court. In January 792, however, Irene was allowed to return to court and even to resume her position as co-ruler. By skillful intrigues with the bishops and courtiers she organized a conspiracy against Constantine, who was arrested and blinded at his mother's orders (797).

      Irene then reigned alone as emperor (not empress) for five years. In 798 she opened diplomatic relations with the Western emperor Charlemagne, and in 802 a marriage between her and Charlemagne was reportedly contemplated. According to the contemporary Byzantine historian Theophanes, the scheme was frustrated by one of Irene's favourites. In 802 a conspiracy of officials and generals deposed her and placed on the throne Nicephorus, the minister of finance. She was exiled, first to the island of Prinkipo (now Büyükada) and then to Lesbos.

      Irene's zeal in restoring icons and her patronage of monasteries ensured her a place among the saints of the Greek Orthodox Church. Her feast day is August 9.

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Universalium. 2010.

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