- Ionia
/uy oh"nee euh/, n.an ancient region on the W coast of Asia Minor and on adjacent islands in the Aegean: colonized by the ancient Greeks.
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It consisted of a coastal strip that extended from the mouth of the Hermus River to the Halicarnassus Peninsula, a distance of 100 mi (160 km). In the 8th century BC there were 12 major Greek cities in the region, including Phocaea, Erythrae, Colophon, and Miletus on the mainland, and the islands Chios and Samos. It was very prosperous, and until 500 BC Ionic philosophy and architecture and the Ionic dialect were highly influential in Greece. In the mid-6th century BC it fell to Lydia and then to the Persians. After a brief period of independence beginning in 334 BC, it became part of the Seleucid kingdom. In 133 BC it passed to the Romans and became part of the Roman province of Asia. It was devastated during the Turkish conquest of Asia Minor.* * *
▪ ancient region, Turkeyancient region comprising the central sector of the western coast of Anatolia (now in Turkey). It was bounded by the regions of Aeolis on the north and Caria on the south and included the adjacent islands. Ionia consisted of a coastal strip about 25 miles (40 km) wide that extended from Phocaea at the mouth of the Hermus River in the north to the territory of Miletus south of the Maeander River, thus extending for a north-south distance of about 100 miles (160 km). Its habitable area consisted principally of three flat river valleys, the Hermus (modern Gediz), Cayster (Küçük Menderes), and Maeander (Büyük Menderes), that led down between mountain ranges of 5,000–6,000 feet (1,500–1,800 m) to empty into deeply recessed gulfs of the Aegean coast.The region bordered on the Hittite empire before 1200 BC. This particular stretch of coast was known as Asia by the early Greeks. The name Ionia, however, does not appear in any records of this time, and Homer does not recognize any Ionic settlement of the Asiatic coast in Achaean times. The name Ionia must therefore have been first applied to this coast subsequent to the collapse of the Achaean kingdoms in Greece (ancient Greek civilization) in the face of the Dorian invasion, when Ionic Greek refugees migrated eastward across the Aegean to Anatolia about 1000–900 BC.The original Greek settlements in the region were numerous and small, but by the 8th century BC they had confirmed their possession of the whole coastline and had consolidated themselves into 12 major cities—Phocaea, Erythrae, Clazomenae, Teos, Lebedus, Colophon, Ephesus, Priene, Myus, and Miletus on the mainland, with the islands Chios and Samos. These Greek Ionian cities formed an exclusive religious league, the Panionion.The cities of Ionia were pioneers of Greek civic (and probably constitutional) development in the 8th and 7th centuries. They seem to have played little part in Greek maritime enterprise of the 8th century in the Mediterranean, but after 700 BC Ionic seamen of Miletus and Phocaea became active in the Black Sea area and along the Mediterranean coasts of France and Spain, planting numerous colonies. Miletus alone is said to have been the mother of 90 cities. By the end of the 7th century the Ionian cities had achieved great prosperity through their trading enterprises, their colonization efforts, and their manufacture of ceramics, textiles, and metalware.In this period and down to about 500 BC, Ionic rational thought dominated the intellectual life of Greece. Hecataeus of Miletus pioneered the Greeks' study of geography. His city, Miletus, was the birthplace of natural philosophy in the persons of Thales and Anaximander, and Ionians at home and overseas (Heraclitus, Pythagoras, and Parmenides) would lay the foundations of Greek philosophy. The Ionic dialect of Greek became the language of literature and learning, and Ionic architecture, sculpture, and bronze casting were also influential.The overseas expansion of Ionia in the 7th century was in part due to the need of a new population outlet after deep Ionic penetrations inland had provoked opposition and conflict with the rising power of Lydia under the Mermnads. After repeated conflicts, most of Ionia finally came under Lydian rule in the reign of Croesus (c. 560–546). After Croesus' fall at the hands of Achaemenian Persia, the cities of Ionia were unable to effectively oppose the latter. The Ionians mounted an unsuccessful revolt against Persian rule in about 499 BC, but their fleet was crushed in a naval battle off Lade five years later. This revolt against the Persians marked the opening phase of the Greco-Persian Wars.After the Greeks' victory over Persia at the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC, the Ionian cities regained their independence and helped to form the Delian League with Athens. They had come under Athenian control by the late 5th century, however. Sparta gained influence in Ionia in the last stages of the Peloponnesian War (413–404) but abandoned the Ionian mainland to Persia in 387 BC.Ionia was nominally independent again from 334 to 301 under the rule first of Alexander the Great and then of Antigonus I Monophthalmus. The region then became part of the Seleucid and later of the Attalid kingdom. In 133 BC Ionia passed under Roman rule and became part of the Roman province of Asia. Under the Roman Empire the principal cities of Ionia experienced a revival of prosperity, and many of the impressive ruins on their sites date from that time. Ephesus, Miletus, Smyrna, and Chios were among the most splendid cities of the Roman world and continued to flourish in Byzantine times.* * *
Universalium. 2010.