- interrupt
v. /in'teuh rupt"/; n. /in"teuh rupt'/, v.t.1. to cause or make a break in the continuity or uniformity of (a course, process, condition, etc.).2. to break off or cause to cease, as in the middle of something: He interrupted his work to answer the bell.3. to stop (a person) in the midst of doing or saying something, esp. by an interjected remark: May I interrupt you to comment on your last remark?v.i.4. to cause a break or discontinuance; interfere with action or speech, esp. by interjecting a remark: Please don't interrupt.n.5. Computers. a hardware signal that breaks the flow of program execution and transfers control to a predetermined storage location so that another procedure can be followed or a new operation carried out.[1375-1425; late ME interrupten < L interruptus ptp. of interrumpere to break apart, equiv. to inter- INTER- + rup-, var. s. of rumpere to burst + -tus ptp. suffix; see RUPTURE]Syn. 1, 3. intermit. INTERRUPT, DISCONTINUE, SUSPEND imply breaking off something temporarily or permanently. INTERRUPT may have either meaning: to interrupt a meeting. To DISCONTINUE is to stop or leave off, often permanently: to discontinue a building program. To SUSPEND is to break off relations, operations, proceedings, privileges, etc., for a certain period of time, usually with the stipulation that they will be resumed at a stated time: to suspend operations during a strike.
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Universalium. 2010.