
/in'teuhr ling"gweuh/, n.
1. an interlanguage.
2. (cap.) an artificial language developed between 1924 and 1951, based primarily upon the Romance languages, and intended mainly as a common international language for scientists.
[1920-25; < It. See INTER-, LINGUA]

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also called  Latino Sine Flexione,  

      simplified form of Latin intended for use as an international second language. Interlingua was originally developed in 1903 by the Italian mathematician Giuseppe Peano (Peano, Giuseppe), but lack of clarity as to what parts of Latin were to be retained and what were to be discarded led to numerousdialectsof Interlingua, confusion, and its dying out among enthusiasts. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the linguist Alexander Gode, with the sponsorship of the International Auxiliary Language Association, reformulated and revived Interlingua and promoted its use in the international scientific community. As reformulated, Interlingua's grammar is not much more complex than that of Esperanto; it has only one form for nouns (taken from the Latin ablative case), no gender, no case, plurals in -s, one form for adjectives with no noun-adjective agreement, one definite article, and verbs with no inflection for person or number. Abstracts and summaries are published in Interlingua by several international scientific journals, but in general the language has not been widely adopted.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Interlingua — Projektautor Alexander Gode Jahr der Veröffentlichung 1951 Sprecher etwa 1.500 Linguistische Klassifikation Konstruierte Sprache Plansprache …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • interlingua — in ter*lin gua, n. A language used as an intermediate language in translating from a source language to a target language; used especially in machine translation by computers; as, some machine translation systems use Esperanto as an interlingua.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interlingua — ● interlingua nom masculin Langue artificielle, qui est une forme simplifiée du latin, proposée en 1903 par G. Peano. interlingua [ɛ̃tɛʀliŋgwa] n. ÉTYM. 1947, M. Vinay, in le Figaro; mot lat. de inter, et lingua « langue ». ❖ ♦ Didact. Langue… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Interlingua — Not to be confused with Interlingue or Interlanguage. This article is about the auxiliary language created by the International Auxiliary Language Association. For other uses, see Interlingua (disambiguation). Interlingua Pronunciation… …   Wikipedia

  • Interlingua — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Interlingua (homonymie). Interlingua Interlingua Auteur International Auxiliary Language Association  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Interlingua — Existen desacuerdos sobre la neutralidad en el punto de vista de la versión actual de este artículo o sección. En la página de discusión puedes consultar el debate al respecto. Interlingua Interlingua Hablantes …   Wikipedia Español

  • Interlingua — Existen dos lenguas artificiales con el nombre de Interlingua. Una es la Interlingua de Peano, más conocida como Latino sine Flexione, que hoy en día no tiene hablantes; y la otra la Interlingua IALA, que es el tema de este artículo. La… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Interlingua — In|ter|lịn|gua 〈f.; ; unz.; Sprachw.〉 auf dem Lateinischen u. den romanischen Sprachen basierende Welthilfssprache [verkürzt <international + lat. lingua „Sprache, Zunge“] * * * In|ter|lịn|gua, die; (Sprachwiss.): 1. [ital. interlingua, gek …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Interlingua — In|ter|lin|gua [... liŋgu̯a] die; <aus it. interlingua, Kurzw. aus internazionale »international« u. lingua »Sprache«>: 1. von Bodmer vereinfachte Welthilfssprache des ital. Mathematikers G. Peano, die auf dem Latein u. den roman. Sprachen… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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