
/in"ti gray'teuhr/, n.
1. a person or thing that integrates.
2. Also called integraph. an instrument for performing numerical integrations.
[1875-80; INTEGRATE + -OR2]

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      instrument for performing the mathematical operation of integration, important for the solution of differential and integral equations and the generation of many mathematical functions.

 The earliest integrator was a mechanical instrument called the planimeter (q.v.). The illustration—> (top) shows a simple mechanical integrator of the disk-and-wheel variety, which has essential parts mounted on mutually perpendicular shafts, with a means of positioning the wheel in frictional contact with the disk, or turntable. In use, an angular displacement of the disk causes the wheel to turn correspondingly. The radius of the integrating wheel introduces a scale factor, and its positioning on the disk represents the integrand. Thus the rotations of the disk and the wheel are related through multiplicative factors and the number of turns made by the integrating wheel (for any number of turns of the disk) will be expressed as a definite integral of the function represented by the variable position of the wheel on the disk.

 Electronic integrators or electrical integrating circuits have largely displaced mechanical integrators. The illustration—> (bottom) shows an electrical circuit that acts as an integrator. For time-varying input, if the resistance R shown in the schematic diagram is very large compared with the capacitive reactance XC of the capacitor C, the current will be almost in phase with the input voltage EIN, but the output voltage EOUT will lag the phase of the input voltage EIN by almost 90°. Thus the output voltage EOUT is the time integral of the input voltage EIN, as well as the product of the current and the capacitive reactance, XC.

      Viewed as analogues, many common devices can be considered as integratorsexamples being the odometer and the watt-hour meter. See also analog computer; differential analyzer.

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Universalium. 2010.

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