
/in"dohl/, n. Chem.
a colorless to yellowish solid, C8H7N, having a low melting point and a fecal odor, found in the oil of jasmine and clove and as a putrefaction product from animals' intestines: used in perfumery and as a reagent.
[1865-70; IND- + -OLE2]

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also called  Benzopyrrole,  

      a heterocyclic organic compound occurring in some flower oils, such as jasmine and orange blossom, in coal tar, and in fecal matter. It is used in perfumery and in making tryptophan, an essential amino acid, and indoleacetic acid (heteroauxin), a hormone that promotes the development of roots in plant cuttings.

      Indole, first isolated in 1866, has the molecular formula C8H7N, and it is commonly synthesized from phenylhydrazine and pyruvic acid, although several other procedures have been discovered.

      In addition to tryptophan, indigo, and indoleacetic acid, numerous compounds obtainable from plant or animal sources contain the indole molecular structure. The best-known group of these compounds is the indole alkaloids, members of which have been isolated from plants representing more than 30 families. Psilocin, psilocybin, reserpine, and strychnine belong to this group.

      Indole is a colourless solid having a pleasant fragrance in highly dilute solutions. It melts at 52.5° C (126.5° F).

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  • indole — [ ɛ̃dɔl ] n. m. • 1873; de ind(igo) et lat. oleum « huile » ♦ Chim. Composé de formule C8H7N, faiblement basique, obtenu par distillation de l indigo, présent dans certaines essences de fleurs (jasmin, oranger), dans les matières intestinales, et …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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