
indictional, adj.
/in dik"sheuhn/, n.
1. a proclamation made every 15 years in the later Roman Empire, fixing the valuation of property to be used as a basis for taxation.
2. a tax based on such valuation.
3. Also called cycle of indiction. the recurring fiscal period of 15 years in the Roman Empire, long used for dating ordinary events. Cf. lustrum.
4. a specified year in this period.
5. the number indicating it.
[1350-1400; ME indiccio(u)n < L indiction- (s. of indictio) announcement, equiv. to indict(us) ptp. of indicere to announce, proclaim + -ion- -ION]

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      in ancient Rome, the fiscal year. During the inflation of the 3rd century AD the Roman government supplied court and army employees by ordering the requisition, or by compulsory purchase (indictio), of food and clothing. Such indictiones were irregular, often oppressive, and inequitable. Reform measures under Diocletian (AD 284305) provided for the annual levy of indictio based on land and population censuses, hence the institution of indiction, or fiscal year. From AD 287 indictions were numbered in cycles of 5 years. From 312 they were reckoned in cycles of 15 years. The indiction was reckoned from September 1, unlike the civil (consular) year, which began January 1.

      Roman Catholic popes until 1087 used the indictional year, generally reckoned from September 1, except in Italy after the 7th century, when indictional and civil years coincided. The indictional year, as adapted by the Anglo-Saxons, began on September 24, the autumnal equinox. After adoption by Charlemagne in the late 8th century, the indictional system was transmitted to France. It fell into disuse after the 16th century, although it still appears in some almanacs. The indiction system was used for dating documents in the Byzantine Empire, which called itself the Roman Empire, until its fall in 1453.

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