
indicatively, adv.
/in dik"euh tiv/, adj.
1. showing, signifying, or pointing out; expressive or suggestive (usually fol. by of): behavior indicative of mental disorder.
2. Gram. noting or pertaining to the mood of the verb used for ordinary objective statements, questions, etc., as the verb plays in John plays football. Cf. imperative (def. 3), subjunctive (def. 1).
n. Gram.
3. the indicative mood.
4. a verb in the indicative.
[1520-30; < LL indicativus. See INDICATE, -IVE]

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  • indicative — in|dic|a|tive1 [ınˈdıkətıv] n [U and C] technical the form of a verb that is used to make statements. For example, in the sentences Penny passed her test , and Michael likes cake , the verbs passed and like are in the indicative. indicative 2… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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  • indicative — I. adjective Date: 15th century 1. of, relating to, or constituting a verb form or set of verb forms that represents the denoted act or state as an objective fact < the indicative mood > 2. serving to indicate < actions indicative of fear > •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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