Indian pipe

Indian pipe
a leafless, pearly white, saprophytic plant, Monotropa uniflora, of North America and Asia, having a solitary white flower and resembling a tobacco pipe.
[1785-95, Amer.]

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Nongreen herbaceous plant (Monotropa uniflora) that is saprophytic (living on the remains of dead plants).

Clusters grow in moist, shady, wooded areas of North America and Asia. The entire plant is white or grayish, occasionally pink, and turns black as it dries out. A single odourless, cup-shaped flower droops from the tip of a stalk 610 in. (1525 cm) tall. The leaves, which lack chlorophyll and do not perform photosynthesis, are small scales. The name reflects the resemblance of this plant to a miniature Indian peace pipe with its stem stuck in the ground.

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also called  corpse plant,  convulsion root , or  fits root 
 (Monotropa uniflora), nongreen herb, of the heath family (Ericaceae). It lives in close association with a fungus from which it acquires most of its nutrition; some of this comes from trees with which the fungus is also closely associated. It occurs in Asia and throughout North America and is commonly found in moist, shady areas.

      The plant arises from a tangled mass of rootlets, grows 1525 cm (610 inches) tall, and is white, pinkish, or (rarely) red; if it dries out, it turns black. A single, odourless, drooping, cup-shaped flower with four or five petals is borne at the tip of the stalk. The leaves are represented only by small scales, and the fruit is an oval capsule.

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