incremental repetition

incremental repetition
repetition, with variation, of a refrain or other part of a poem, esp. a ballad.

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      a device used in poetry of the oral tradition, especially English and Scottish ballads, in which a line is repeated in a changed context or with minor changes in the repeated part. The device is illustrated in the following stanzas (stanza) from the balladLord Randal:

O where ha' you been, Lord Randal, my son?
And where ha' you been, my handsome young man?”
I ha' been at the greenwood; mother, mak my bed soon,
For I'm wearied wi' huntin', and fain wad lie down.”
And wha met ye there, Lord Randal, my son?
And wha met you there, my handsome young man?”
O I met wi' my true-love; mother, mak my bed soon,
For I'm wearied wi' huntin', and fain wad lie down.”

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  • incremental repetition — noun : repetition in each stanza after the first of part of the preceeding stanza used especially of popular ballads * * * Pros. repetition, with variation, of a refrain or other part of a poem, esp. a ballad. [1915 20] …   Useful english dictionary

  • incremental repetition — noun Date: 1918 repetition in each stanza (as of a ballad) of part of the preceding stanza usually with a slight change in wording for dramatic effect …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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