
imperfectly, adv.imperfectness, n.
/im perr"fikt/, adj.
1. of, pertaining to, or characterized by defects or weaknesses: imperfect vision.
2. not perfect; lacking completeness: imperfect knowledge.
3. Gram. noting action or state still in process at some temporal point of reference, particularly in the past.
4. Law. being without legal effect or support; unenforceable.
5. Bot. (of a flower) diclinous.
6. Music. of or relating to the interval of a major or minor third or sixth. Cf. perfect (def. 12a).
n. Gram.
7. the imperfect tense.
8. another verb formation or construction with imperfect meaning.
9. a form in the imperfect, as Latin portabam, "I was carrying."
[1300-50; < L imperfectus unfinished (see IM-2, PERFECT); r. ME imparfit < MF imparfait < L, as above]
Syn. 1. defective, faulty. 2. incomplete, underdeveloped; immature.
Ant. 2. complete, developed.

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