- immaterial
/im'euh tear"ee euhl/, adj.1. of no essential consequence; unimportant.2. not pertinent; irrelevant.3. not material; incorporeal; spiritual.[1350-1400; ME < ML immaterialis. See IM-2, MATERIAL]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
immaterial — im·ma·te·ri·al /ˌi mə tir ē əl/ adj: not essential, pertinent, or of consequence the jury could have discounted the medical history evidence, or while accepting its accuracy, found it immaterial Willett v. State, 911 S.W.2d 937 (1995) compare… … Law dictionary
immaterial — immaterial, spiritual, incorporeal are comparable when meaning not composed of matter. Immaterial is the most comprehensive of these terms because it makes the line of cleavage between itself and its opposite, material, not only clear and sharp… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Immaterial — Im ma*te ri*al ([i^]m m[.a]*t[=e] r[i^]*al), a. [Pref. im not + material: cf. F. immat[ e]riel.] 1. Not consisting of matter; incorporeal; spiritual; disembodied. [1913 Webster] Angels are spirits immaterial and intellectual. Hooker. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
immaterial — [adj1] irrelevant extraneous, foreign, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inconsequential, inconsiderable, inconsiderate, inessential, insignificant, irrelative, matter of indifference, meaningless, no big deal*, no never mind* … New thesaurus
Immaterial — (v. lat.), unkörperlich. Immaterialismus, so v.w. Spiritualismus. Immaterialist, der den Geist nicht für einen Theil der Materie hält. Immaterialität, 1) Unkörperlichkeit, Stofflosigkeit; 2) Freiheit von jeder Beschränkung durch die Materie … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Immaterial — Immateriāl (neulat.) oder immateriéll (frz.), unkörperlich, stofflos; immaterialisieren, entkörpern, vergeistigen; Immaterialismus, Lehre von der Unsterblichkeit der Seele; Immaterialität, Unkörperlichkeit; Freiheit von jeder Beschränkung durch… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Immaterial — Immaterial, lat. deutsch, unkörperlich; I.ismus, die Lehre von der Unsterblichkeit der Seele, I.ist, wer dieser Lehre anhängt; I.ität, Unkörperlichkeit … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
immaterial — (adj.) late 14c., spiritual, incorporeal, from M.L. immaterialis not consisting of matter, spiritual, from assimilated form of in not, opposite of (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + L.L. materialis (see MATERIAL (Cf. material)). Secondary sense of… … Etymology dictionary
immaterial — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unimportant under the circumstances; irrelevant. 2) spiritual rather than physical. DERIVATIVES immateriality noun … English terms dictionary
immaterial — [im΄ə tir′ē əl] adj. [ME immateriel < LL immaterialis: see IN 2 & MATERIAL] 1. not consisting of matter; incorporeal; spiritual 2. that does not matter; not pertinent; unimportant immateriality [im΄ə tir΄ēal′ə tē] n. pl. immaterialities i … English World dictionary
immaterial — Not material, essential, or necessary; not important or pertinent; not decisive; of no substantial consequence; without weight; of no material significance. See also impertinence irrelevancy irrelevant allegation Compare material; material fact;… … Black's law dictionary