
immanence, immanency, n.immanently, adv.
/im"euh neuhnt/, adj.
1. remaining within; indwelling; inherent.
2. Philos. (of a mental act) taking place within the mind of the subject and having no effect outside of it. Cf. transeunt.
3. Theol. (of the Deity) indwelling the universe, time, etc. Cf. transcendent (def. 3).
[1525-35; < LL immanent- (s. of immanens), prp. of immanere to stay in, equiv. to im- IM-1 + man(ere) to stay + -ent- -ENT; see REMAIN]
Syn. 1. innate, inborn, intrinsic.
Ant. 1. extrinsic, acquired, superimposed.

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