
/im'id az"ohl, -id euh zohl"/, n. Chem.
a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble, heterocyclic compound, C3H4N2, used chiefly in organic synthesis. Also called glyoxaline.
[1890-95; IMIDE + AZOLE]

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organic compound class
      any of a class of organic compounds of the heterocyclic series characterized by a ring structure composed of three carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms at nonadjacent positions. The simplest member of the imidazole family is imidazole itself, a compound with molecular formula C3H4N2.

      Imidazole was first prepared in 1858. Other imidazole compounds have been known longer: allantoin (discovered in 1800) and parabanic acid were prepared in 1837 from uric acid. The amino acid histidine and its decomposition product histamine have the imidazole structure, as does biotin, a growth factor for both humans and yeast.

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