
/uy den'teuh fi kay"sheuhn, i den'-/, n.
1. an act or instance of identifying; the state of being identified.
2. something that identifies a person, animal, or thing: He carries identification with him at all times.
3. Sociol. acceptance as one's own of the values and interests of a social group.
4. Psychol.
a. a process by which one ascribes to oneself the qualities or characteristics of another person.
b. (in psychoanalytic theory) the transference or reaction to one person with the feelings or responses relevant to another, as the identification of a teacher with a parent.
c. perception of another as an extension of oneself.
[1635-45; IDENTI(FY) + -FICATION]
Syn. 1. association, connection, affiliation.

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  • identification — (n.) 1640s, treating of a thing as the same as another, from Fr. identification, probably from identifier (see IDENTIFY (Cf. identify)). Sense of becoming or feeling oneself one with another is from 1857. Sense of determination of identity is… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • identification — [ī den΄tə fi kā′shən] n. [Fr] 1. an identifying or being identified 2. anything by which a person or thing can be identified [a driver s license is accepted as identification] 3. Psychoanalysis a mainly unconscious process by which a person… …   English World dictionary

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  • identification — ► NOUN 1) the action or process of identifying or the fact of being identified. 2) an official document or other proof of one s identity …   English terms dictionary

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