
/huy pear"ee euhn/, n.
1. Class. Myth. a Titan, the father of Helios, Selene, and Eos.
2. Astron. a natural satellite of the planet Saturn.
[ < L < Gk Hyperíon, equiv. to hyper- HYPER- + ión going; see ION]

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 major moon of Saturn, notable in that it has no regular rotation period but tumbles in an apparently random fashion in its orbit. Hyperion was discovered in 1848 by the American astronomers William Bond (Bond, William Cranch) and George Bond and independently by the English astronomer William Lassell (Lassell, William). It was named for one of the Titans of Greek mythology.

      Hyperion orbits Saturn once every 21.3 Earth days in the prograde direction at a distance of 1,481,100 km (920,300 miles), between the orbits of the moons Titan and Iapetus. Hyperion's orbit is unusual in that it is somewhat eccentric (elongated) yet inclined less than a half degree from the plane of Saturn's equator. The nearer moon Titan makes four circuits of Saturn for every three of Hyperion (i.e., their orbits are in a 4:3 dynamic resonance), and the two moons approach each other most closely when Hyperion is at the farthest point in its orbit. Under these conditions, Titan, which is the much more massive body, gives Hyperion periodic gravitational nudges that force it into a relatively eccentric orbit. Another peculiarity of Hyperion is its nonspherical shape, which is sometimes described as resembling a thick hamburger patty. Measuring 370 × 280 × 225 km (230 × 174 × 140 miles), it is the largest known moon with such a pronounced irregular shape. Its reflectance of 30 percent, which is moderately high, is consistent with the presence of some water frost on its surface. Hyperion has a reddish hue that resembles the colour of the enigmatic dark areas on the more distant moon Iapetus. Hyperion's mean density is only about half that of water ice, suggesting that the moon's interior may be a loose agglomeration of ice blocks interspersed with voids. This structure may account for the remarkablespongyappearance of parts of Hyperion's cratered surface in images from the Cassini spacecraft.

      Because of Hyperion's shape and eccentric orbit, it does not maintain a stable rotation about a fixed axis. Unlike any other known object in the solar system, Hyperion rotates chaotically (see chaos (chaos theory)), changing its rotational characteristics over timescales as short as a month. According to theory, Hyperion can rotate in a seemingly regular manner over intervals as long as a few thousand years, followed by equally long intervals of completely chaotic tumbling, its rotation state at any specified time being completely unpredictable.

William B. Hubbard

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