
/huy"droyd/, adj.
1. noting or pertaining to that form of hydrozoan that is asexual and grows into branching colonies by budding.
2. the phase of a hydrozoan coelenterate that consists of polyp forms usually growing as an attached colony.
[1860-65; HYDR(A) + -OID]

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      any member of the invertebrate order Hydroida (class Hydrozoa, phylum Cnidaria). Hydroids have three basic life-cycle stages: (1) a tiny free-swimming ciliated planula larva about 1 mm (0.04 inch) long, which settles and metamorphoses into (2) a sessile (attached), usually colonial polyp stage, which in turn liberates (3) a gamete-producing male or female medusa (“jellyfish”). This cycle is exemplified by the genus Obelia (q.v.), whose members are widely distributed throughout the world. Many hydroids have, through evolution, suppressed the medusa by retaining it on the sessile hydroid colony. Colonies of hydroids are typically 5 to 500 mm (0.2 to 20 inches) or more high and are branched; the branches bear the individuals, or zooids (hydroid polyps). Each zooid consists of a tubular body that has two layers separated by a thin, jellylike mesoglea (layer of connective tissue), a terminal mouth, and surrounding circlet(s) of tentacles. The zooids are joined basally to a common living tube called the stolon that runs the length of the colony. The living tube, which is assumed to permit the exchange of food between individuals, is protected within a tough, chitinous sheath, the perisarc. Colonies of hydroids grow vegetatively by increase in the number of hydranths. Reproductive polyps (gonozooids) occur intermittently on the colony. They release either medusae (typically) or planula larvae (if the medusae are retained or reduced), depending on the species. Members of some species can retract their polyps within a protective extension of the perisarc, the hydrotheca, but others lack such a structure. Most hydroids inhabit marine environments, but some have invaded freshwater habitats. An example is the Hydra (q.v.), a genus that has the distinction of being solitary rather than colonial. In addition, the life cycle of Hydra lacks a medusa stage. There are about 2,000 species of hydroids.

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