
humanistic, adj.humanistically, adv.
/hyooh"meuh nist/ or, often, /yooh"-/, n.
1. a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity.
2. a person devoted to or versed in the humanities.
3. a student of human nature or affairs.
4. a classical scholar.
5. (sometimes cap.) any one of the scholars of the Renaissance who pursued and disseminated the study and understanding of the cultures of ancient Rome and Greece, and emphasized secular, individualistic, and critical thought.
6. (sometimes cap.) a person who follows a form of scientific or philosophical humanism.
7. of or pertaining to human affairs, nature, welfare, or values.
8. (sometimes cap.) of or pertaining to the humanities or classical scholarship, esp. that of the Renaissance humanists.
9. of or pertaining to philosophical or scientific humanism.
[1580-90; < It umanista. See HUMAN, -IST]

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