
/wee"lah/, n.
Mount, a volcano in central Colombia. 18,700 ft. (5700 m).

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      departamento, southwestern Colombia, occupying the Andean Cordilleras (mountains) Oriental and Central, which are separated by the upper Magdalena River valley. Created in 1905, it was named for the snowcapped mountain Nevado del Huila (17,844 feet [5,439 m]), which dominates much of the landscape. Since colonial times, this part of the upper Magdalena valley has been mostly a livestock-raising area; with improved irrigation, however, agriculture (especially cotton) has become increasingly important.

      The San Agustín archaeological zone, with its giant stone figures, lies in the southernmost part of the department; the area was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1995. The department capital of Neiva is the southern terminus of a railroad to Bogotá, Girardot, and Ibagué. A highway runs through the river valley and branches in the south to Popayán in Cauca department (west) and to Florencia in Caquetá department (east). Area 7,680 square miles (19,890 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 1,038,061.

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Universalium. 2010.

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