- hubris
—hubristic, adj./hyooh"bris, hooh"-/, n.excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.[1880-85; < Gk hýbris insolence]
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in Classical Athenian usage, the intentional use of violence to humiliate or degrade. The most famous example was the case of Meidias, who punched the orator Demosthenes in the face when the latter was dressed in ceremonial robes and performing an official function. Hubris could also characterize rape. Hubris was a crime at least from the time of Solon (6th century BC), and any citizen could bring charges against another party, as was the case also for treason or impiety. (In contrast, only a member of the victim's family could bring charges for murder.)Hubris consists in doing and saying things that cause shame to the victim…simply for the pleasure of it. Retaliation is not hubris, but revenge.…Young men and the rich are hubristic because they think they are better than other people.Hubris fit into the shame culture of archaic and Classical Greece, in which people's actions were guided by avoiding shame and seeking honour. It did not fit into the culture of internalized guilt, which became important in later antiquity and characterizes the modern West.Because Greek has a word for error, hamartia, but not for sin, some poets—especially Hesiod (7th century BC) and Aeschylus (5th century BC)—used hubris to describe wrongful action against the divine order. From this usage modern thinkers developed the idea that hubris meant overweening presumption leading to an impious disregard of the divinely fixed limits on human action in an ordered cosmos. Modern literary critics often seek to find in hubris the “tragic flaw” of the heroes of Greek tragedy. There are figures in Greek myth and history for whom this usage may be appropriate, such as the Persian king Xerxes in Herodotus's history of the Persian Wars, who tried to punish the sea for destroying his bridge over the Hellespont; Ajax in Sophocles' play Ajax, who told Athena to help other warriors because he did not need divine help; or Oedipus in Sophocles' Oedipus the King, who by unwittingly killing his true father and marrying his own mother fulfills the Delphic oracle's prophecy of him. It is important to remember, however, that the modern connotation is not the usual meaning of the word hybris in Classical Greek.Additional ReadingDouglas L. Cairns, Aidōs: The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature (1993), and “Hybris, Dishonour, and Thinking Big,” The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 116:1–32 (1996); N.R.E. Fisher, Hybris: A Study in the Values of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greece (1992); David Cohen, “Sexuality, Violence, and the Athenian Law of ‘Hubris,'” Greece & Rome, 2nd series, 38(2):171–188 (October 1991).* * *
Universalium. 2010.