
hospitableness, n.hospitably, adv.
/hos"pi teuh beuhl, ho spit"euh beuhl/, adj.
1. receiving or treating guests or strangers warmly and generously: a hospitable family.
2. characterized by or betokening warmth and generosity toward guests or strangers: a hospitable smile.
3. favorably receptive or open (usually fol. by to): to be hospitable to new ideas; a climate hospitable to the raising of corn.
[1560-70; < L hospita(re) to receive as guest (cf. L hospitari to be a guest; see HOSPITIUM) + -BLE]

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  • Hospitable — Hos pi*ta*ble, a. [Cf. OF. hospitable, LL. hospitare to receive as a guest. See {Host} a landlord.] 1. Receiving and entertaining strangers or guests with kindness and without reward; kind to strangers and guests; characterized by hospitality.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • hospitable — ► ADJECTIVE 1) showing or inclined to show hospitality. 2) (of an environment) pleasant and favourable for living in. DERIVATIVES hospitably adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • hospitable — [[t]hɒspɪ̱təb(ə)l, hɒ̱spɪt [/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A hospitable person is friendly, generous, and welcoming to guests or people they have just met. The locals are hospitable and welcoming... He was very hospitable to me when I came to New York. Ant:… …   English dictionary

  • hospitable — /hɒsˈpɪtəbəl / (say hos pituhbuhl) adjective 1. affording a generous welcome to guests or strangers: a hospitable city. 2. inclined to or characterised by hospitality: a hospitable reception. –phrase 3. hospitable to, favourably receptive or open …  

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