
/hawrs"rad'ish/, n.
1. a cultivated plant, Armoracia rusticana, of the mustard family, having small, white flowers.
2. the pungent root of this plant, ground and used as a condiment and in medicine.
3. the condiment itself, sometimes moistened with vinegar or mixed with ground beets.
4. of or containing ground horseradish as a flavoring: brisket of beef with horseradish sauce.
[1590-1600; HORSE + RADISH]

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Hardy perennial plant (Armoracia lapathifolia) of the mustard family, native to Mediterranean lands and grown throughout the temperate zones.

Its hotly pungent, fleshy root is used as a condiment and is traditionally considered medicinal. In many cool, moist areas it has become a troublesome weed. The plant bears small white flowers, small oblong pods, and large, coarse, glossy-green basal leaves arising on long stems from the crown atop the large white root.

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      (Armoracia lapathifolia), hardy perennial plant of the mustard family (Brassicaceae, or Cruciferae). Its hotly pungent, fleshy root is used as a condiment or table relish, mainly in the form of a sauce to enhance seafoods and meats; the root is traditionally considered medicinal. Native to Mediterranean lands, horseradish is now grown throughout the temperate zones. In many cool, moist areas it has become a troublesome weed.

      Large, coarse, glossy-green basal leaves arise on long stems from the crown atop the large white root. Small white flowers are borne in terminal or axillary racemes; small oblong pods are tipped by a short, persistent style. Cultivators propagate horseradish in the spring by placing pieces of pencil-sized roots in the soil at a slight angle with the upper ends covered 0.4 to 0.8 inch (1 to 2 cm) deep. All but the terminal shoots are removed to prevent later formation of multiple crowns, and the side roots are also rubbed off to minimize branching and crooked formation. All this work is done by hand. The process is repeated after six weeks, removing the soil from the upper part of the root and replacing it afterward.

      Roots are harvested after one growing season. They are plowed from the soil, washed, and trimmed for sale. Processors grate the root tissue and pack it in white vinegar.

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Universalium. 2010.

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