
/hawrn"werrt', -wawrt'/, n.
any aquatic plant of the genus Ceratophyllum, found in ponds and slow streams.
[1795-1805; HORN + WORT2]

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Any member of four to six genera of creeping annual or perennial plants of the class Anthocerotopsida.

Hornworts usually grow on damp soils or on rocks in tropical and warm temperate regions. The gametophyte typically is a flattened structure covered with small irregular lobes; the sporophyte forms a tapered cylinder (see alternation of generations). Rhizoids (rootlike structures) on the undersurface anchor the plant. Cavities in the gametophyte sometimes contain colonies of the cyanobacterium Nostoc (see cyanobacteria, nostoc). Hornworts have a region of continuous growth at the base of the sporophyte, and a large, irregular foot. The stalk that attaches the foot to the spore-bearing capsule in liverworts is absent in hornworts.

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also called  horned liverwort 

      any member of 67 genera, containing about 300 species of creeping annual or perennial plants of the class Anthocerotopsida. In some classification systems, hornworts have been grouped as horned liverworts in the subclass Anthocerotidae (class Hepaticae), class Anthocerotopsida, order Anthocerotales, or entirely separated from the bryophytes in the division Anthocerotophyta. Most evidence from morphological and developmental studies suggest that the hornworts are only distantly related to mosses and liverworts, but molecular evidence has not confirmed this view. Thus, the classification of hornworts remains controversial.

      The largest genus, Anthoceros, has a worldwide distribution. Dendroceros and Megaceros are mainly tropical genera. Hornworts usually grow on damp soils or on rocks in tropical and warm temperate regions. The plants' gametophytes (gametophyte) (sexual generation) are typically flattened, irregularly lobulated (thallose) structures that are usually less than 2 cm (0.81.6 inches) in diameter. The sporophyte, or asexual generation, forms a tapered cylinder. The sporophyte is dependent on the attached gametophyte for nutrients and water. Most sporophytes grow to up to 5 cm (2 inches). The thallus, or flat, gametophyte, usually lacks a midrib. The sexual organs are sunk into the upper surface of the thallus. Rhizoids (rootlike structures) on the undersurface anchor the plant. Cavities in the thallus sometimes contain colonies of the blue-green alga Nostoc.

      Hornworts differ also in having a region of continuous growth at the base of the sporophyte, and a large, irregular foot. The stalk that attaches the foot to the sporebearing capsule in liverworts is absent in hornworts.

      Hornworts reproduce sexually by means of water-borne sperm, which travel from the male sex organ (antheridium) to the female sex organ (archegonium). A fertilized egg in a female sex organ develops into an elongate sporangium, which splits lengthwise as it grows, releasing the spores that have developed within it. Elaters (elongated cells that aid in spore dispersal) are usually irregular and multicellular.

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