
/hawrn"puyp'/, n.
1. an English folk clarinet having one ox horn concealing the reed and another forming the bell.
2. a lively jiglike dance, originally to music played on a hornpipe, performed usually by one person, and traditionally a favorite of sailors.
3. a piece of music for or in the style of such a dance.
[1350-1400; ME. See HORN, PIPE1]

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      name of a wind instrument and of several dances supposedly performed to it. The instrument is a single-reed pipe with a cowhorn bell (sometimes two parallel pipes with a common bell) and is often converted into a bagpipe. Known since antiquity, it is today played in Basque Spain (where it is known as an alboka) and North Africa, as well as in the Arabian Peninsula and parts of Russia.

      Hornpipe refers also to several dances that Renaissance courtiers believed were once performed to the rustic instrument. At times it meant a jig, a reel, or a country dance. As an Irish, Scottish, or English solo dance, the hornpipe is in 4/4 time and is related to the jig and the solo reel. It has intricate steps and often imitates a sailor's dance. Hornpipes are often danced with clogs, especially in northern England.

      In a musical suite the hornpipe is a stylized version of a country dance in 3/2 time. An example occurs in George Frideric Handel's Water Music suite.

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  • Hornpipe — Horn pipe , n. (Mus.) (a) An instrument of music formerly popular in Wales, consisting of a wooden pipe, with holes at intervals. It was so called because the bell at the open end was sometimes made of horn. (b) A lively tune played on a hornpipe …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • hornpipe — [hôrn′pīp΄] n. [ME] 1. an obsolete wind instrument with a bell and mouthpiece made of horn 2. a lively dance to the music of the hornpipe, formerly popular with sailors 3. music for this …   English World dictionary

  • Hornpipe — Hornpipe, 1) (Hornpfeife), musikalisches Instrument, im Fürstenthum Wales; eine hölzerne Pfeife mit Grifflöchern u. mit einem Horne an jedem Ende, in das eine wird die Luft geblasen, aus dem andern gehen die Töne hervor; 2) nach dieser Pfeife od …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Hornpipe — (engl., spr. peip), Musikinstrument aus Holz in Gestalt einer Pfeife mit Grifflöchern und mit einem Horn an dem einen Ende, bes. in Wales gebräuchlich; auch Name eines engl. Nationaltanzes …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • *hornpipe — ● hornpipe nom masculin Danse anglaise ancienne, de rythme ternaire (devenu binaire par la suite), caractérisée par des syncopes systématiques …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • hornpipe — s.n. 1. (muz.) Carabă. 2. Dans popular scoţian dansat după o melodie cântată la cimpoi [pr.: hórnpaip] – cuv. engl. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 …   Dicționar Român

  • hornpipe — c.1400, hornepype, musical instrument with bell and mouthpiece made of horn, from HORN (Cf. horn) (n.) + PIPE (Cf. pipe) (n.). Later (late 15c.) dance associated with sailors (originally performed to music from such an instrument) …   Etymology dictionary

  • hornpipe — (izg. hȍrnpājp) m DEFINICIJA glazb. 1. pov. stari engleski ples u 3/2 ili 4/4 mjeri 2. engleski narodni instrument, vrsta klarineta s dva volovska roga ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • hornpipe — ► NOUN 1) a lively solo dance traditionally performed by sailors. 2) a piece of music for such a dance. ORIGIN originally denoting a wind instrument made of horn, played to accompany dancing: from HORN(Cf. ↑horned) + PIPE(Cf. ↑pipe) …   English terms dictionary

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