- hoot
—hootingly, adv./hooht/, v.i.1. to cry out or shout, esp. in disapproval or derision.2. to utter the cry characteristic of an owl.3. to utter a similar sound.4. Chiefly Brit. to blow a horn or whistle; toot.v.t.5. to assail with shouts of disapproval or derision: The fans hooted the umpire.6. to drive out, off, or away by hooting.7. to express in hoots: The crowd hooted its disagreement with the speaker.n.8. the cry of an owl.9. any similar sound, as an inarticulate shout.10. a cry or shout, esp. of disapproval or derision.11. Brit. a horn, siren, or whistle, esp. a factory whistle.12. Informal. the least bit of concern, interest, or thought; trifle: I don't give a hoot.13. Slang. an extremely funny person, situation, or event: Your mother's a hoot when she tells about her escapades in boarding school.[1150-1200; ME hoten, huten, houten (v.); perh. imit.]hoot2[1675-85; cf. Sw hut, Welsh hwt, Ir ut begone!]
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Universalium. 2010.