
hookedness /hoohk"id nis/, n.
/hookt/, adj.
1. bent like a hook; hook-shaped.
2. having a hook or hooks.
3. made with a hook or by hooking.
4. Informal.
a. addicted to narcotic drugs.
b. slavishly interested in, devoted to, or obsessed with: He was hooked on television.
5. Slang. married.
[bef. 1000; ME hoked, OE hokede. See HOOK1, ED2, -ED3]

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  • hooked — 〈[hụkt] Adj.; Drogenszene〉 drogenabhängig [Etym.: engl., »eingehakt«]   hooked: (Worttrennung am Zeilenende) Die Trennbarkeit von Fremdwörtern richtet sich in der Regel nach ihrer muttersprachlichen Aussprache. Da das Wort »hooked« [hukt]… …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

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  • hooked — O.E. hoced, “shaped like a hook, crooked, curved;” pp. adj. from HOOK (Cf. hook) (v.). From mid 14c. as “having hooks;” 1610s as “caught on a hook;” 1925 as addicted, originally in reference to narcotics. hooked rug is recorded from… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • hooked — [hookt] adj. 1. curved like a hook 2. having a hook or hooks ☆ 3. made with a hook [a hooked rug ] ☆ 4. Slang a) addicted as to the use of a drug: often with on b) preoccupied or obsessed with a person, fad, etc.: often with on …   English World dictionary

  • Hooked — (1989) is the ninth collection of movie reviews by the critic Pauline Kael, covering the years 1985 to 1988.The book is out of print in the United States, but is still published by Marion Boyars Publishers in the United Kingdom …   Wikipedia

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