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Holinshed — [ hɔlɪnʃed], Holinshead [ hɔlɪnzhed], Raphael, englischer Geschichtsschreiber, ✝ Bramcote (bei Nuneaton) um 1580. Sein aus älteren Werken weitgehend unkritisch übernommenes Geschichtswerk »Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland« (1577)… … Universal-Lexikon
Holinshed — [häl′iŋz hed΄häl′inz hed΄, häl′in shed΄] Raphael died 1580?; Eng. chronicler: also Hollingshead [häl′iŋz hed΄] … English World dictionary
Holinshed — Raphael Holinshed (* um 1520 ; † um 1580 in Bramcote) war ein englischer Schriftsteller, dessen Werk bekannt unter dem Titel Holinshed s Chronicle William Shakespeare als Quelle vieler seiner Dramen diente. Leben Über sein Leben weiß man sehr… … Deutsch Wikipedia
HOLINSHED, Raphael — (d. 1580) An English chronicler and historian, Raphael Holinshed was the principal editor of Elizabethan England s most important domestic history. Holinshed s early years cannot be reconstructed with any certainty, but he probably was educated… … Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary
Holinshed, Raphael — died с 1580 English chronicler. From с 1560 Holinshed lived in London, where he was employed as a translator by Reginald Wolfe, who was preparing a universal history. Holinshed is remembered for his Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande… … Universalium
Holinshed, Raphael — (d. c. 1580) English historian, known for The Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (1577), which was popularly known as Holinshed’s Chronicles … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Holinshed — or Hollingshead biographical name Raphael died circa 1580 English chronicler … New Collegiate Dictionary
Holinshed — Hol•ins•hed [[t]ˈhɒl ɪnzˌhɛd, ˈhɒl ɪnˌʃɛd[/t]] also Hollingshead n. big Raphael, died c1580, English chronicler … From formal English to slang
Holinshed — /ˈhɒlənʃɛd/ (say holuhnshed) noun Raphael, died c. 1580, English chronicler; his Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande (1577) are the source for several of Shakespeare s plays …
Holinshed — /hol inz hed , hol in shed /, n. Raphael, died c1580, English chronicler. Also, Hollingshead … Useful english dictionary