hognose snake

hognose snake
/hawg"nohz', hog"-/
any harmless North American snake of the genus Heterodon, the several species having an upturned snout and noted for flattening the head or playing dead when disturbed.
[1730-40, Amer.; HOG + NOSE]

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Any of three or four species (genus Heterodon, family Colubridae) of harmless North American snakes named for their upturned snout, which is used for digging.

When threatened, they flatten the head and neck, then strike with a loud hiss, but rarely bite. If their bluff fails, they roll over, writhing, and then act dead, with mouth open and tongue lolling. They eat chiefly toads and frogs. Heavy-bodied and blotchy, they are usually about 24 in. (60 cm) long. Though not adders, they are sometimes called puff adders or blow snakes.

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 (genus Heterodon), any of three species of North American nonvenomous snakes belonging to the family Colubridae. They are named for the upturned snout, which is used for digging. These are the harmless but often-avoided puff adders, or blow snakes, of North America. When threatened, they flatten the head and neck, then strike with a loud hissrarely biting. If their bluff fails, they roll over, writhing, and then feign death with mouth open and tongue lolling.

      Hognose snakes live chiefly on toads and are capable of neutralizing the toad's poisonous skin secretions physiologically. They lay 15 to 27 eggs underground. The widely distributed species are the eastern (Heterodon platyrhinos) and western (H. nasicus). Both are heavy-bodied and blotchy; their usual length is about 60 to 80 cm (24 to 31 inches).

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  • hognose snake — /ˈhɒgnoʊz sneɪk/ (say hognohz snayk) noun any of the harmless American snakes constituting the genus Heterodon, notable for their hog like snouts and their curious actions and contortions when disturbed …  

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