
hiree, n.hirer, n.
/huyeur/, v., hired, hiring, n., adj.
1. to engage the services of (a person or persons) for wages or other payment: to hire a clerk.
2. to engage the temporary use of at a set price; rent: to hire a limousine.
3. hire on, to obtain employment; take a job: They hired on as wranglers with the rodeo.
4. hire out, to offer or exchange one's services for payment: He hired himself out as a handyman.
5. the act of hiring.
6. the state or condition of being hired.
7. the price or compensation paid or contracted to be paid for the temporary use of something or for personal services or labor; pay: The laborer is worthy of his hire.
8. Informal. a person hired or to be hired: Most of our new hires are college-educated.
9. for hire, available for use or service in exchange for payment. Also, on hire.
10. Brit. available for hire; rental: a hire car.
[bef. 1000; (v.) ME hiren, OE hyrian (c. D huren, LG hüren, OFris hera); (n.) ME; OE hyr; c. D huur, LG hüre (whence D hyre, Sw hyra, G Heuer), Fris here]
Syn. 1. employ. 2. lease. HIRE, CHARTER, RENT refer to paying money for the use of something. HIRE is a general word, most commonly applied to paying money for labor or services, but is also used in reference to paying for the temporary use of automobiles (usually with a chauffeur), halls, etc.; in New England, it is used in speaking of borrowing money on which interest is to be paid (to distinguish from borrowing from a friend, who would not accept any interest): to hire a gardener, a delivery truck, a hall for a convention.
CHARTER formerly meant to pay for the use of a vessel, but is now applied with increasing frequency to leasing any conveyance for the use of a group: to charter a boat, a bus, a plane. RENT is used in the latter sense, also, but is usually applied to paying a set sum once or at regular intervals for the use of a dwelling, room, personal effects, an automobile (which one drives oneself), etc.: to rent a business building. 7. rent, rental; stipend, wages, salary.

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