
/hip"oh/, n.

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ancient North African ports
      either of two ancient ports on the coast of North Africa.

      Hippo, later called Hippo Regius, located near the modern town of Annaba (formerly Bône) in Algeria, was probably first settled by Carthaginians in the 4th century BCE. It later became the home of Numidian (Numidia) rulers. Under Roman control it was first made a municipium (a community that exercised partial rights of Roman citizenship) and later a colonia (Roman settlement with full rights of citizenship). St. Augustine (Augustine, Saint), one of the city's most important personages and later a Father of the Church, served as bishop there from 395 CE until his death during the Vandal siege of the city in 430. According to St. Augustine, the city contained numerous sacred edifices, including the Basilica Major and churches devoted to Saints Leontius and Theogenes, as well as to numerous martyrs.

      The ancient port of Hippo Diarrhytus, or Hippo Zarytus, is now occupied by the city of Bizerte (Banzart) on the coast of Tunisia. Settled at least as early as 350 BCE, it achieved particular prominence during Roman and later times.

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