
/hip"ee euhs/, n.
fl. 6th century B.C., tyrant of Athens (brother of Hipparchus, son of Pisistratus).

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died 490 BC

Tyrant of Athens (528/527510).

He succeeded his father, Peisistratus, as tyrant. Hippias was a patron of poets and craftsmen, and Athens prospered under his rule, but he became repressive after the assassination of his brother Hipparchus (514). He was overthrown by the Spartans (510) and went into exile in Asia Minor. He went with the Persians to attack the Athenians, and it was he who advised Darius I in 490 to land at Marathon, which resulted in a major Persian defeat.

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tyrant of Athens

died 490 BC

      tyrant of Athens from 528/527 to 510 BC. He was a patron of poets and craftsmen, and under his rule Athens prospered. After the assassination of his brother Hipparchus (514), however, Hippias was driven to repressive measures. An attempt by nobles in exile to force their way back failed, but in 510 the Spartans under Cleomenes I invaded Attica, besieged the tyrant's party on the acropolis, and forced their surrender and evacuation. Hippias took refuge with the Persian governor at Sardis and later (490) crossed the Aegean with the Persian army. It was he who advised the landing at Marathon where the Athenian army won a decisive victory. He is said to have died at Lemnos on the journey home.

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