
hexaplar, hexaplaric /hek'seuh plar"ik/, hexaplarian /hek'seuh plair"ee euhn/, adj.
/hek"seuh pleuh/, n. (often cap.)
an edition of a book, esp. the Old Testament, containing six versions or texts in parallel columns, esp. the edition compiled by Origen.
[1600-10; < Gk Hexaplâ (title of Origen's edition), neut. pl. of HEXAPLOÛS, HEXAPLÓOS sixfold, equiv. to hexa- HEXA- + -ploûs, -ploos -FOLD]

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edition of Old Testament
      (Greek:Sixfold”), edition of the Old Testament compiled by Origen of Alexandria in Caesarea, Palestine, before AD 245. The Hexapla presented for comparison the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, the Hebrew text in Greek characters, and the Greek versions of Aquila, Symmachus, the Septuagint, and Theodotian in six parallel columns. For some books, including the Psalms, Origen presented as many as three additional Greek texts from unknown sources. In the column devoted to the Septuagint version, he indicated by the use of critical symbols the variations that occurred in Hebrew and Greek renditions.

      The entire work took 20 years to complete and may have filled 7,000 pages. It was available in Caesarea until about 600 and was consulted by many scholars, including Jerome in preparing for his Vulgate translation. The fate of the great work is not known, but it survives in fragments copied in old manuscripts, in quotations in the works of various Church Fathers, and in several editions of its Septuagint columnwhich, because scribes often copied the critical marks incorrectly or left them out, introduced some confusion into the text of the Septuagint.

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