
/hyooh"neuh berrg'/, n. Archaeol.
an excavated prehistoric site in S Germany, near Ulm, consisting chiefly of a great early Iron Age fortification dating mostly to the second half of the first millennium B.C. and indicating that the inhabitants carried on an extensive trade with cities in the eastern Mediterranean.

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ancient site, Germany
      Celtic fortified site overlooking the Danube River in Baden-Württemberg Land (state), Germany. Recent excavations have shown that the Heuneburg fort community carried on a prosperous trade with the Greeks at Massilia (Marseille) during the 6th century BC. Imported Greek black-figure pottery and Massiliote wine amphorae have been uncovered. Mediterranean influence has also been detected in the stronghold's fortification system.

      Outside the hill-fort were a number of princely graves, including the Hochmichele barrow, which dates from the 6th century BC and is noted for its wagon grave, located in a great central burial chamber formed of sawed wooden planks nearly 20 feet (6 m) long.

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