
Hesperidian /hes'peuh rid"ee euhn/, adj.
/he sper"i deez'/, n.
1. Class. Myth.
a. (used with a pl. v.) nymphs, variously given as three to seven in number, who guarded with the dragon Ladon the golden apples that were the wedding gift of Gaea to Hera.
b. (used with a sing. v.) the garden where the golden apples were grown.
c. (used with a pl. v.) See Islands of the Blessed.
2. (italics) (used with a pl. v.) a collection of poems (1648) by Robert Herrick.

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GreekDaughters of Eveningsingular  Hesperis,  
 in Greek mythology, clear-voiced maidens who guarded the tree bearing golden apples that Gaea gave to Hera at her marriage to Zeus. According to Hesiod, they were the daughters of Erebus and Night; in other accounts, their parents were Atlas and Hesperis or Phorcys and Ceto. They were usually three in number, Aegle, Erytheia, and Hespere (or Hesperethusa), but by some accounts were as many as seven. They were usually said to live in the west beyond the sunset, but the Greek poet and grammarian Apollonius of Rhodes (3rd century BC) placed them in North Africa, and the mythographer Apollodorus (2nd century BC) located them among the Hyperboreans. The golden apples were also guarded by the dragon Ladon, the offspring of Phorcys and Ceto. As Ladon is the name of an Arcadian river, Arcadia was possibly the original site of the garden. The golden apples figured in different accounts of Heracles' 11th Labour. In one version Heracles slayed the dragon and took the apples. In another version Heracles held the heavens while Atlas took the apples for him. In some artistic representations Heracles dines with the Hesperides, who freely give him the apples. The golden apples that Aphrodite gave to Hippomenes before his race with Atalanta were also from the garden of the Hesperides.

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