- Heraclidae
/her'euh kluy"dee/, n.a drama (429? B.C.) by Euripides.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Heraclidae — /her euh kluy dee/, n. a drama (429? B.C.) by Euripides. Also, Heracleidae. Also called Children of Hercules … Useful english dictionary
Children of Hercules — Heraclidae. * * * … Universalium
Children of Hercules — Heraclidae … Useful english dictionary
Temenus — In Greek mythology, Temenus was a son of Aristomachus and brother of Cresphontes and Aristodemus. He was a great great grandson of Heracles and helped lead the fifth and final attack on Mycenae in the Peloponnesus. He became King of Argos.Temenus … Wikipedia
Aristodemus — In Greek mythology, Aristodemus was a son of Aristomachus and brother of Cresphontes and Temenus. He was a great great grandson of Heracles and helped lead the fifth and final attack on Mycenae in the Peloponnesus.Aristodemus and his brothers… … Wikipedia
Cresphontes — For the lost tragedy by Euripides, named for the son of this Cresphontes, see Merope (mythology). In Greek mythology, Cresphontes was a son of Aristomachus, husband of Merope, and brother of Temenus and Aristodemus. He was a great great grandson… … Wikipedia
HYLLUS — fil. Herculis ex Deianira, qui Iolem, patre mortuo, Herod. l. 7. c. 204. l. 8. c. 13. et Strabo l. 9. p. 427. uxorem duxit, ex ea pater Iolae. Ovid. Met. l. 9. v. 279. Ep. Heriod. 9. v. ult. Hic postea cum ceteris fratribus, qui ex Hercule… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Heracleidae — In Greek mythology, the Heracleidae or Heraclids were the numerous descendants of Heracles (Hercules), especially applied in a narrower sense to the descendants of Hyllus, the eldest of his four sons by Deianira (Hyllus was also sometimes thought … Wikipedia
Dorian invasion — This article is about a hypothetical event of prehistoric Greece. For other uses, see Dorian (disambiguation). History of Greece This article is part of … Wikipedia
Dorian — /dawr ee euhn, dohr /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the ancient Greek region of Doris or to the Dorians. n. 2. a member of a people who entered Greece about the 12th century B.C., conquered the Peloponnesus, and destroyed the Mycenaean culture:… … Universalium