heart block

heart block
a defect in the electrical impulses of the heart resulting in any of various arrhythmias or irregularities in the heartbeat.

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      lack of synchronization in the contractions of the upper and the lower chambers of the heartthe atria and the ventricles. The lack of synchronization may range from a slight delay in the ventricular contractions to total heart block, a complete lack of synchronization between the atria and the ventricles. A characteristic of heart block is that the ventricles contract more slowly than the atria. Heart block is caused by disease of some portion of the pathway over which the contractive impulse travels through the heart. The condition is treated by increasing the rate of impulses that regulate ventricular contractions; this can be done by administering drugs or by implanting an artificial pacemaker, a device that regulates heart action by means of minute electric shocks.

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  • Heart block — Classification and external resources ICD 10 I44 I45 ICD 9 …   Wikipedia

  • heart|block — «HAHRT BLOK», noun, or heart block, an abnormal condition of the heart, caused by a blocking of the nervous tissue that conducts the contracting impulse from the auricle to the ventricle so that they act independently …   Useful english dictionary

  • heart block — heart′ block n. pat a defect in the electrical impulses of the heart resulting in any of various arrhythmias or irregularities in the heartbeat …   From formal English to slang

  • heart block — n. a disorder in which there is defective transmission of impulses regulating the heartbeat, resulting in independent contractions of the atria and ventricles …   English World dictionary

  • Heart block — A block in the conduction of the normal electrical impulses in the heart. * * * heart block n incoordination of the heartbeat in which the atria and ventricles beat independently due to defective transmission through the bundle of His and which… …   Medical dictionary

  • heart block — a condition in which conduction of the electrical impulses generated by the natural pacemaker of the heart (the sinoatrial node) is impaired. In partial or incomplete heart block conduction between atria and ventricles is delayed (first degree… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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  • heart block — noun A disease in the electrical system of the heart, opposed to coronary artery disease, which is disease of the blood vessels of the heart …   Wiktionary

  • incomplete heart block — heart block in which at least some impulses are conducted, i.e., first or second degree heart block …   Medical dictionary

  • heart block — noun Date: 1903 incoordination of the heartbeat in which the atria and ventricles beat independently and which is marked by decreased cardiac output …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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