health maintenance organization
- health maintenance organization
a plan for comprehensive health services,
prepaid by an individual or by a company for its employees,
that provides treatment,
preventive care,
and hospitalization to each participating member in a central health center.
Abbr.: HMO
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organization, either public or private, that provides comprehensive medical care to a group of voluntary subscribers, on the basis of a prepaid contract. HMOs bring together in a single organization a broad range of health services and deliver those services for a fixed, prenegotiated fee.
There are two main types of HMOs,
the prepaid group practice model and the medical care foundation (
also called individual practice association.
The prepaid group practice type of health care plan was pioneered by the Ross-
Loos Medical Group in California,
in 1929.
In this model,
physicians are organized into a group practice,
and there is one insuring agency.
The Kaiser Foundation Health Plan in California,
the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York,
and the Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound are generally regarded as innovators of this type of HMO.
The MCF usually involves a number of insurance companies.
The organization is a loose network of individual physicians,
practicing individually and paid on a fee-
service basis.
The medical-
care foundation reimburses the physicians from the prepaid fees of subscribers.
Examples of this type of HMO are the San Joaquin Foundation in California and the Physician Association of Clackamas County in Oregon.
The U.
S (
United States).
which began to promote the HMO concept in the 1970s,
viewed HMOs as a means of controlling health care costs (
by discouraging physicians from performing unnecessary,
costly procedures),
meeting the public'
s increased demand for health services,
and providing health care where it had previously been inadequate.
Advocates of prepaid medical plans feel that the HMO, by the nature of its contract, guarantees the availability of health care to those enrolled. They also believe that HMOs foster preventive medicine, encouraging the patient-subscriber to seek treatment early, rather than postponing it out of financial considerations. Thus a potentially serious condition may be diagnosed and treated at an earlier stage and usually at lower overall cost. Opponents of HMOs question this reasoning, arguing that prepayment encourages unnecessary visits to doctors and could, by virtue of the expenses involved, render physicians unable to perform the most thorough testing procedures.
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