
/ham/, n.
the second son of Noah, Gen. 10:1.

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Cut of meat consisting of the thigh of a hog, usually preserved through a curing process that involves salting and smoking or drying.

In addition to preserving the meat, curing gives it additional flavour. Sugar or honey and spices are sometimes added to further enhance flavour. Produced throughout the Old World except where forbidden by religious edict (principally by observant Muslims and Jews), ham became a favoured food on farms of North America. The distinctive qualities of hams of various regions of the world result from unique combinations of hog-raising and meat-processing techniques. Virginia hams, for example, are cut from razorback hogs fed on peanuts and peaches and smoked over apple-and hickory-wood fires. Ham is a source of high-grade animal protein, thiamine, and iron.

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      town, upper valley of the Somme River, Somme département, Picardie région, France, southwest of Saint-Quentin. Its medieval fortress, used for centuries as a state prison, was destroyed by German forces in 1917. Among the fortress' prisoners in the 15th century had been Joan of Arc, patron saint of France; Prince Louis-Napoléon, later Emperor Napoleon III, was detained there in 1840 and escaped six years later to England. The town has one of the largest sugar refineries in Europe. Pop. (1999) 5,398; (2006 est.) 5,219.QR

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  • Ham — ist der Name folgender Personen: Ham, der zweite Sohns Noahs, siehe Ham (Bibel) Carter F. Ham (* 1952), General der US Army Kenneth Todd Ham (* 1964), Astronaut Kevin Ham, Domainspekulant Pete Ham (1947–1975), britischer Rockmusiker Ham ist der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • HAM — (Heb. חָם), one of the three sons of Noah. Although he is always placed between Shem and Japheth (Gen. 5:32; 6:10, et al.), he appears to have been the youngest of the three (9:24). The Bible relates how Ham observed Noah drunk and naked in his… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Ham — Ham, es el nombre de varias localidades de la Unión Europea. Municipalidad de Ham, Bélgica. Ham (Somme) Ham (Reino Unido) Ham (Wiltshire) Le Ham (Mayenne) Le Ham (Manche) En Argentina Ham, en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Por las siglas HAM,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ham's — Restaurant is a North Carolina–Virginia based restaurant that offers A Good Time combined with great food. Started in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1935, Ham s has grown into a chain of 26 community restaurants. History The original Ham s… …   Wikipedia

  • Häm- — hämo . * * * häm , Häm : ↑ hämo , Hämo . * * * häm , Häm : ↑hämo , ↑Hämo . hä|mo , Hä|mo , (vor Vokalen:) häm , Häm [griech. haĩma = Blut]: <Best. von Zus. mit der Bed.:> Blut ( …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Ham — (h[a^]m), n. [AS. ham; akin to D. ham, dial. G. hamme, OHG. hamma. Perh. named from the bend at the ham, and akin to E. chamber. Cf. {Gammon} ham.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Anat.) The region back of the knee joint; the popliteal space; the hock. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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