
/heuh gah"deuh/; Seph. Heb. /hah gah dah"/; Ashk. Heb. /hah gaw"deuh/, n., pl. Heb. Haggadoth, Haggadot, Haggados Seph. /-dawt"/; Ashk. /-dohs/, Eng. Haggadas.
Haggadah (def. 1).

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biblical Exodus
also spelled  Haggadah,  

      in Judaism, the special book containing the story of the biblical Exodus as it must be retold at the beginning of the seder dinner on Passover (Pesaḥ). The book's commentaries on the story of the Exodus provide a religious philosophy of Jewish history, and the book supplies answers to the traditional questions asked by children at the beginning of the seder. See also seder.

non-legal literature
also spelled  Haggadah, Aggada, or Aggadah, 

      in Judaism, those parts of rabbinical, or Talmudic, literature that do not deal directly with the laws incumbent upon Jews in the conduct of their daily life. The contents of Haggada can be broken down into several classes: (1) interpretations and expositions of Biblical stories and chronicles; (2) ethical teachings in the form of homilies, maxims, parables, similes, fables, riddles, and witticisms; (3) theological works, including religious speculations, apologetics, and polemics; (4) popular science, including medicine, astronomy, mathematics, magic, and astrology; and (5) history, including embellishments of postbiblical Jewish history, legends, sagas, biographical stories, and folklore.

      The writing of Haggada began about the 5th century BC and reached its peak in the 2nd to 4th century AD as a defensive response to the rise of Christianity. Haggada make up about one-third of the Babylonian Talmud and about one-sixth of the Palestinian Talmud. They are also collected in the Midrash (q.v.). Traditionally, Haggada appealed to the less-educated sections of the Jewish community, in contrast to Halakha (legal literature), which was the province of the learned.

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