
/hah"geuhn/, n.
a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, in W Germany. 209,200.
/hay"geuhn/, n. Walter
1892-1969, U.S. golfer.

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German mythology
also called  Hagano, or Hogni,  

      mythological Germanic hero who plays a variety of roles in a number of northern European legends. In the Nibelungenlied, he appears as a vassal of the Burgundian king Gunther and is a grizzled warrior, loyal and wary. He plays a principal role in the epic as the slayer of Siegfried, who becomes the chief object of hatred and revenge of Siegfried's widow, Kriemhild. The last of the Nibelungen to be killed, Hagen is decapitated by Kriemhild. The Latin heroic epic Waltharius, in which he is called Hagano, treats of his youth as a hostage and his escape and subsequent attachment to King Guntharius. In Old Norse poems he is Hogni, the brother of Gunnar; both brothers meet their death at the hands of Atli (Attila). See Atli, Lay of.

      city, North RhineWestphalia Land (state), western Germany. It lies south of Dortmund, at the confluence of the Ennepe and Volme rivers just south of the Ruhr. Hagen is situated on the eastern edge of the industrial Ruhr district and is bordered to the south by the Sauerland, a mountainous area of forests and lakes. First mentioned in the 8th century, it continued as an agricultural village until the late medieval period, when iron-ore mining and iron founding became important and when varied crafts were established. Cutters and armourers from Solingen were settled there by Frederick William of Brandenburg, the Great Elector, in 1661; these were followed by paper millers and, in the 18th century, by cloth makers from Berg and Jülich. Civic rights were granted in 1746. Industrial development began in the 19th century, and, prior to World War II, Hagen absorbed the neighbouring towns of Haspe, Boele, and Vorhalle. In 1975 Hohenlimburg, a site of major steel production, was also incorporated.

      Industries include the manufacture of specialized steel, machinery, chemicals, industrial fittings, vehicle axles, and pollution-abatement equipment. Hagen is the site of several technical colleges, including Fern University (founded 1974), Germany's first distance-learning university. Largely destroyed during World War II, the city was rebuilt in modern style with many parks, a theatre, and museums of art and local history. Pop. (2003 est.) 200,039.

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